In August Zippy did her second lapbook. It was on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This was to correspond with the children’s Bible lessons that we were studying from My Bible First on the closing scenes of Christ’s life. These lessons were part of Year C Quarter 1 of the My Bible Says set. These lessons covered Judas’ betrayal through Jesus’ ascension. We studied these particular lessons for 5 weeks and we only made one minibook per week.
We also purchased this lapbook from In the Hands of a Child. They didn’t have one specifically on this topic so I purchased the Easter lapbook from them and just did the components that corresponded with our lessons.
Zippy invented the cover herself. Please notice the real nails on it. She glued one side to the lapbook and attached the other side with velcro.
Inside of lapbook:
Women visit the tomb.
The Gospel Commission Accordion Minibook
See more pictures of Zippy’s lapbook on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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Hi there,
I found your blog from your daughter's blog and the comment she posted on my son's blog! It was fun seeing her blog and yours! We're starting lapbooking for the first time this year so it's nice seeing the lapbooks you've done! Anyways, it was fun seeing your site and family! God bless!