We have chosen to homeschool using the Moore Formula. It just makes so much sense. I decided to blog about it today.
It was developed by Dr. Raymond Moore, who The Old Schoolhouse magazine referred to as the grandfather of homeschooling.
It is so much more than Charlotte Mason, unit studies or Ruth Beechick, but includes all of those. The Moore Formula is very simple. It is: 1) Study from a few minutes to several hours a day, depending on the child’s maturity. 2) Manual work at least as much as study. 3) Home and/or community service an hour or so a day. This is why I like it so much, it includes everything in life as school, because developing our children into well-rounded adults takes more than good unit studies or the best living books, it takes more than good scholastics and plenty of nature study, though I think all of those things are important. It also involves learning to work and learning to serve others and learning to serve God supremely.
Here are some websites of interest about the Moore Formula.
Dr. Raymond Moore’s obituary: www.moorefoundation.com
Moore Academy: www.moorehomeschooling.com
The Moore Formula
And my two favorite books by Dr. Moore: Better Late Than Early and The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook. Many other books for homeschoolers are also available at www.moorefoundation.com
Dr. Moore in his books talks about unit studies, good living books, the importance of nature study, Bible study and all of the other aspects of scholastics, but he melts it down to the fact that scholastics isn’t everything. And I agree!
My son said thank you for the comment. We look at your blog and he like the New World lapbook.
Thanks again,
You have a baeutiful family.
God Bless you!