My children love stories. I personally believe that reading books is a very important part of their education. I have even read studies that indicate that parents should be reading to their children when they are as young as 6 months old. I have tried to read to them since they were in utero. They have been very privileged the last month or so as they have been able to spend a little time with both sets of grandparents and who is better to have read a story to you than a grandparent.
G’tums settles on Papa’s lap for a good story. (As you can tell he really likes his new bicycle helmet.) We all enjoy listening to stories by Papa, because he embellishes them a little and leaves at least the adults laughing with his word twists.

Storytime is one of the best times in the world! What a true blessing to have grandparents who will take the time to read out loud!
That is so cool. You can see the support your family has for your homeschooling. I agree whole heartedly that reading is very important. My son hated reading when he was little, I will never forget the first time I found him hiding between the couches reading a book ( we searched for him for about 20 minutes before we found him).