We finished our first canning project–pickled cucumbers. I’m very thrilled because I have such good helpers. Zippy canned half the jars all by herself.
Very nice! Lemon Pickles?? I did them a couple years ago. I did spears and slices, never tried doing them whole, I don’t believe… I miss canning. Ever since I went electric to a flat top stove… my canning efforts have failed miserably. I can’t control the heat and if it overspills… a very long and nasty clean-up was called for… enough to deter me from canning for quite a while. :( I keep telling my husband… I want my gas stove back! LOL!
Beautiful! I love the sight of cooling jars lined up on the counter!
Very nice! Lemon Pickles?? I did them a couple years ago. I did spears and slices, never tried doing them whole, I don’t believe… I miss canning. Ever since I went electric to a flat top stove… my canning efforts have failed miserably. I can’t control the heat and if it overspills… a very long and nasty clean-up was called for… enough to deter me from canning for quite a while. :( I keep telling my husband… I want my gas stove back! LOL!