If you can’t tell, I’m trying to catch up. Seems like that is often what I’m doing on this blog–trying to catch up. Anyway, here’s to a fun day at Sea World San Diego. Sea World was fun. The whales were beautiful. The dolphins were intriguing. But I don’t know, theme parks and I just don’t do so well together. I enjoy when the animals perform, but when the people perform, I think it’s rather lame. And it seems that Sea World is more about gymnasts than animals. I mean who goes to Sea World to see women dressed as parrots? Oh well, that’s just me.

Baby wasn’t too sure about the shows. We did keep her out of the splash zone, but the music was loud and there was a lot going on all around her. She was a little frightened. Zippy, on the other hand, loved all the activity, and sat in the front row, by herself so that she could get soaked. She scored. She was drenched to the skin, and it was kind of a cold day, so she shivered all day. Not my idea of fun, but hey, I’m not 12.
Of course, we have shots of the whales. All these pictures were taken with my point and shoot. We were afraid to take a good camera in there, for good reason. Anyway, my little camera did okay on these beauties. You can’t help but think that the Orcas are beautiful. Wish I could see one in the wild, especially as I don’t live terribly far from them. Maybe someday.

Note: If you’re curious about the whales’ names. Some Sea World employee saw my photos on Flickr and commented with their names.