A Tribute to My Grandfather

It’s hard to believe that less than two weeks after my grandmother (my mom’s mom) passed away, my grandfather (my dad’s dad) passed away. My family feels like we’ve been hit hard, but the Lord has been very close to us.

The Bible tells us that it is good to contemplate what our end will be. "It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart." Ecclesiastes 7:2. We all will have to face death. The question that we need to ask ourselves is, are we ready? I’m so thankful that Jesus came to die for us so that we can have eternal life, if we give our lives to Him. I have reresolved in my heart to let nothing between my soul and my Savior.

A friend sent me this song after my grandmother passed away. It reflects my sentiment perfectly.

Home Sick for Heaven

So dear to my heart is the promise of God,
A home with the pure and blest;
Where earth weary pilgrims, strangers here below,
Will find their eternal rest.

I’m homesick for heaven, seems I cannot wait,
Yearning to enter Zion’s pearly gate;
There never a heartache, never a care,
I long for my home over there.

‘Tis Eden, fair Eden, I long to behold,
Where naught can despoil that’s fair;
Where saints of all ages, hold communion sweet,
The glories of heaven share.

But chiefest of all is the thought that enthralls,
That I shall behold my King;
Rejoice in His presence, revel in His grace,
And ever His praises sing.

by Henry de Fluiter

A brief tribute to my grandfather.

My grandpa was the type of man that I don’t think ever got mad, at least I never saw him mad. He was so calm. He also had an awesome sense of humor. He always had these one-liners that would stick in your mind. When my husband and I started being attracted to each other, we were pretty young. I guess my grandfather wanted to give us the advice to not rush it. He told me one day, "Love makes thin soup." (We waited for four years before we got married.)

His passion was growing plants and he could really do it. He could grow flowers and vegetables bigger and better than anybody. After he retired, he spent most of his time in the garden it seemed. It’s no surprise that winter was not his favorite season, because there was no gardening. I’ve thought several times that he would pass away in the winter, because he’d be missing his garden so much. I guess this was the winter.

My grandpa was my first employer (other than probably my parents paying me for odd jobs). When I was around 12, he hired my brother and I to pick strawberries and then help him peddle them in town. He grew the best strawberries ever. And once we sold to somebody, they’d always call us up and order more. And we had enough strawberries for us too. We ate them until our mouths were sore. I have such fond memories of those summers.

I’m going to miss him so much. I’m very thankful that my grandfather also loved the Lord with all of his heart. I want to spend eternity with him.

Missing my grandpa

5 thoughts on “A Tribute to My Grandfather

  • January 29, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    So sorry that your family has experienced so much loss in such a short time! We are all looking forward to that day when our blessed Saviour shall wipe all tears away!

  • January 29, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    I'm so sorry for your loss. And, this is a beautiful tribute to him. He sounds like an amazing man. You were truly blessed! May God continue to comfort your entire family.


  • February 1, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    So sorry for you to have so much mourning at once, but I'm so glad you know your Grandfather to be rejoicing with the angels in heaven. I'm sure he will have a lot of opportunities to tend his garden.

    I think that verse is very poignant.

    My grandfather was like that a lot, I think. He was a gardener and spent most of his retired years in the garden and that's what I remember him doing. He was very quiet and my grandmother more vocal. I spent summers with them and they really made a difference in my life.

    How is your pregnancy going? Are you feeling any better? I hope so.


  • February 3, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    He just looks like such a sweet and happy person! How blessed you were to have such a close relationship with him and have the assurance you'll see him again!


    Time Well Spent

  • February 4, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    Beautiful tributes! Isn't it wonderful to know that our earthly family will be in Heaven also. What a blessing to know that those we admired and loved here will be with us for eternity. I find that there are many days that I get homesick for our eternal home. I posted about it once and was surprised at how many responses that I got that addressed depression (lol). I think if we have a passion for our Lord, long for His ways and His presence, then it is normal that we would desire to be close to Him and in the place that He has designed for us :-)!

    Blessings and I pray comfort for you and your family,


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