Curriculum 2012/2013

I have three kids to plan for this year: Zippy (girl, age 12), JD Boy (boy, age 9) and G’tums (boy, age 6). I have to plan for the two year old too, but that kind of planning changes from day to day. I’ve found it to be a challenge to figure which subjects can all be done together and which ones can’t. Here is the curriculum as it stands now, anyway.

History/Bible (combining) – Ancient History using Patriarchs and Prophets and Beginnings by Truth Quest History for the whole family

Composition/GrammarWriting Strands

MathTeaching Textbooks for Zippy and Math on the Level for the boys

SpellingSpelling Power for Zippy and JD Boy

Phonics/Reading for G’tums – Three R’s by Ruth Beechick and Phonics Pathways by Delores Hiskes

ScienceExploring Creation with Human Anatomy & Physiology for Zippy and Exploring Creation with Creatures of the Fifth Day (Zoology 1) for the boys

Music – music lessons (violin and piano for Zippy and JD Boy), and Charlotte Mason style learning of hymns and composers (which hymns and composers still to be determined)

ArtSee the Light Shine DVD’s and Charlotte Mason style artist appreciation (which artists still to be determined)

Nature Study – follow the Handbook of Nature Study blog

2 thoughts on “Curriculum 2012/2013

  • August 28, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Sounds like a great plan! Enjoy this year!!!

    Warmly, ~Melissa

  • September 4, 2012 at 9:13 am

    I noticed you mentioned Charlotte Mason. I haven’t read any of her books (though I want to sometime), but I have read excerpts and heard a lot about her from various blogs I follow, and I have gotten the impression that if she and Ellen White had ever met, they would have had a lot in common in regard to education. I was reading Child Guidance this morning, and about things like spending time in nature, short lessons, etc, and it reminded me of what I’ve heard of Charlotte Mason.

    I know I’m going to be doing school very differently from how I did it when I was growing up. We did A Beka pretty much all the way, with a little Rod & Staff mixed in early on. But I am under the impression that relying too much on curricula might not be the best method for homeschooling–especially for homeschooling that focuses more on character than academics. And I think I want to try different things. I’m so glad we get to start with one child at a time by starting early, instead of starting with 3 or 4 school-age kids who are used to a classroom and are all at different grade levels. It seems easier to add them in one by one as they reach the age where they are ready for school. :)

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