I’ve been doing some cleaning out of stuff. Part of the agreement that I made with my kids was that if I tossed some of these crafts, I would post photos on my blog for the world to see, so they will be saved for a life time now. Fortunately some of the things I came across are just too good to toss, but I still wanted to take pictures of them to share with you. So this is just a hodge podge of arts and crafts that my kids have done over the last few months. (One of them is over a year old, and that’s one of the ones that has to go.)
The first two pictures are of a nature journal that we made out of paper bags. Kind of a fun idea. You can stick all the treasures (i.e. dandelions and rocks) that you gather on your nature walk into the paper bags. We did this with our Adventurer Club at church when studying backyard habitat.

Next up is a really great illustration JD Boy did in his nature journal when we went to the desert last winter. I couldn’t find his nature journal for awhile, so wasn’t able to post this with our other posts about that trip. (See, it is good to clean house periodically.)

The gecko watercolor painting is also by JD Boy. This is definitely one of the keepers. He did this when doing a watercolor class with his grandpa. I think he did a mighty fine job.

The last two are things that we did with a couple of different unit studies. The first one is a primer/reader that we made when studying about Colonial America. It has the alphabet and the Lord’s prayer on it. The last one is a talking stick that each kid made when we were studying about American Indians. Both were fun. Both came from Hands and Hearts kits.

Last but not least is a picture showing how much better the area looks where I was cleaning. I should have taken a before picture, but I was too embarrassed that you could not even see the counter for all of the stuff that was stacked on it. Now everything that was on it has found a permanent home whether it be in a cabinet, trash can or thrift store.