Model of Moses’ Tabernacle

My daughter recently finished studying a thirteen week-long study about Moses’ Tabernacle, called “Path to the Throne” by Young Disciple Ministries. From that lesson guide, she studied about how the Sanctuary symbolizes the plan of salvation. For example, she learned Who the lamb represented that was sacrificed for sins in the Sanctuary service. That symbol is perhaps the most obvious, but there were so many interesting symbolisms that could be seen in the Tabernacle and the whole Sanctuary service. And this lesson guide was prepared to make it interesting to tweens/teens.

Just as she was finishing up the study, we found out that within driving distance from us, some people had built a model of Moses’ Tabernacle. (It was hosted at Sunset Lake, a Christian summer camp a ways away from us.) We headed there with some friends to take the tour. The camp director spoke of each of the pieces of furniture and what they represented in the plan of salvation. We were all better able to get an idea of how big the courtyard and furniture was. We were a little disappointed with how primitive the model was. We have often heard of the traveling Messiah’s Mansion, and we were hoping that we were going to see something of that calibre. (We hope that someday Messiah’s Mansion will be close enough that we can visit it.) The one we visited wasn’t nearly as nicely finished and wasn’t quite accurate to scale, but it was quite a bit nicer than anything we will ever get around to doing ourselves, so we still enjoyed it.

Here are some pictures that Zippy took of the model.

The Front Gate:

Front Gate

The Altar of Sacrifice:

Altar of Sacrifice

The Lavar (Wash Basin):


The Seven-branc Candlestick:


The Altar of Incense:

Altar of Incense

The Table of Showbread:

Table of Showbread

The Ark of the Covenant and Mercy Seat:

Ark of the Covenant (A little primitive)

The Ark of the Covenant was the piece of furniture that seemed the most primitive, but it was okay. The Holy and Most Holy place were not built to the same scale as the Courtyard and the Furniture. It should have been twice as tall as it was. But we still got a pretty good feel for the size of everything.

Ten Commandments Lapbook

At our home, we have been working on setting chapters of the Bible to memory. Three of my kids are old enough to memorize the Bible and are each working on different chapters. My oldest is learning 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. My next child is learning The Beatitudes, or Happy Attitudes as he calls them. And my preschooler is learning Psalm 23. We have been using the books and CD’s from Thy Word Creations for this endeavor, so that we are also learning the chapters set to music.

I believe that memorizing the Bible strengthens our minds, besides giving a spiritual blessing. I believe that time spent in memorizing the Bible with my children will not be lost on their other school subjects, because I believe so strongly that it will strengthen their minds and actually help them in the other subjects, as well. And most importantly, I’ve been claiming this verse for my children, while I help them with their memorization: “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11.)

The passage that JD Boy just finished memorizing was the Ten Commandments. He had a hard time keeping the last six in order, so he decided that he would like to make a simple lapbook to help him visualize their order. Here are some pictures of his lapbook.

Ten Commandment Lapbook Cover

Ten Commandments Matchbooks

Each matchbook has the Commandment number on the top flap, a picture to go with the respective Commandment on the bottom flap, and the words of the Commandment on the inside. Here is the inside of the Tenth Commandment book.

Tenth Commandment Picture Flap

Tenth Commandment Words

Since JD Boy and I designed these matchbooks ourselves, I uploaded them to HSLaunch, so you can use them for free. I have also uploaded the pages that my daughter used for copywork when she memorized the Ten Commandments a couple of years ago.

The links:
Ten Commandment Matchbooks
Ten Commandment Copywork Notebook Pages

Children's Bible Class

I said I had a lot to share, so I’d better get started. I wanted to share about our Children’s Bible class that we just finished. We had so much fun and learned a lot too….especially me, because I was the teacher! We held our meetings for 20 nights over a five week period and it was open to the public. Many of our studies were based on Bible prophecy. We, of course, were covering these not on a college level but at a primary level. The study was for children. So we studied prophecies such as the image in Daniel 2; comparing the days of Noah with our day as in Matthew 24; when Jesus returns; also some things in the past that have really changed history such as how sin entered the universe and then Adam and Eve’s first sin, and, of course, Jesus’ death (that was included in several studies) as well several more.

Our program went something like this:

We started out with a short song service. All of our songs were scripture songs. I love many different children’s songs, but I thought this was a wonderful way to help the children memorize some precious gems from their Bibles. Then we followed with our opening prayer.

After the prayer, we had a mystery box. This was one of the favorite activities. Each night we had a different object in the box that was related to our topic for the evening and then the kids were given hints as to what it was and they all tried to guess. Because we had such an age spread, and we discovered that the oldest ones were the best guessers, we had the older kids (7 years and up) whisper their answer to us and. If they were right, they were to come up with the next clue to give, that gave more people an opportunity to guess and allowed for the younger children to get it right, which really made them smile.

Next came the special feature. This also was a real highlight. Each night one of my friends presented a science nugget that could be tied in with the lesson. For instance, when we studied Revelation 1:7, she made homemade binoculars. When we studied the Three Worthies and when we studied about Mt. Carmel, she did demonstrations with fire. When we studied about Satan, she did a feature on snakes. All of them were really great. This was my favorite part, but maybe that’s because I didn’t teach that part!

Science Experiment at Children's BIble Class

Next we had our Bible lesson. I taught each lesson with felts (the Through the Bible with Felts set) I learned so much studying for teaching these lessons. If none of the children were blessed, which I hope they were, at least I was. I enjoyed it so much. I spent so much time studying and I love studying. In each lesson, I tried to bring it down to a practical level. For instance, when we did the story of Jonah, we talked about how to confess our sins as well as learning about how we will face a judgment.

Bible Lesson at Children's Bible Class

Every night we read from the Bible and we provided a Bible for each child so that they could follow along. Even the non-readers loved having us help them look up the verses in the Bible and show them where we would be reading from. They were so proud of their Bibles. The older ones had opportunity to see for themselves what the Bible had to say on the different subjects each night. Each night we tried to summarize the stories that we were learning from as a choice for the children to make. Basically the choices were to give our hearts to Jesus and be saved or not and be lost.

After the lesson was finished, we learned a new memory verse each night and then we made a craft. Our crafts (as well as many of the ideas for how we did the meetings) came from Feeding His Lambs Ministry. The kids and the parents loved these crafts. Each night a craft page was added to their growing book and the page emphasized what we had studied that evening.

Making Crafts at Children's Bible Class

I enjoyed this project so much, even though I was a bit tired a few of the evenings. We made some good friends with the kids who came (and their parents) and watching children learn about the Bible and choose Jesus for themself was so very rewarding. I hope that I will have an opportunity to this again.

Making friends at Children's Bible Class

Early Christian Church Lapbook

Another lapbook! This one corresponded with our children’s Bible class on the life of Paul and Peter after Jesus’ ascension to heaven. The lessons we studied  were from My Bible First and they were the Year C, quarter 2 lessons of the My Bible Says set. And once again many of the booklets are from Homeschool in the Woods from her New Testament Activity Pak.

This time I’ll do Zippy’s first, since I’ve been doing her’s last normally.

We made her cover out of clipart from

You wil notice that we didn’t fold the lapbook the usual shutter fold style. That was because we wanted to get this extension about the armor of God to fit in this lapbook. And this was the only way I could figure out how to make it work. Here is the inside:

The armor of God is made from two pieces of 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock taped together at the back. As you can see from the previous photo, the armor is all removable. It is attached by velcro. I just took her picture and printed it out and she cut that out for the face. This was from the Homeschool in the Woods New Testament Activity Pak.


Next is postcards from Paul, with a different postcard summarizing each of the letters that he wrote. This is also from Homeschool in the Woods.

This is a mini coloring book that I put together on the events of Paul’s conversion. This is another minibook that my long necked stapler came in very handy for.  I got the pictures on the inside from  searching on Google. Now I can’t find the source. They were a free download though.

I made this one too. It is for Peter’s Ladder found in 2 Peter 1:5-7 I just took the ladder from Microsoft clipart and layered two of the ladders on top of each other to produce the right amount of rungs and then typed the words in so the children could color them. Then we folded it accordion style.

Then we spent awhile tracing Paul’s routes. This one took awhile to do. It also came from Homeschool in the Woods. It is an accordion style mini book.

This is the cover with it closed.

This is what it looks like opened up.

Here is a close-up of one of the maps. (You can see more of them on the set on flickr.)

A Bible verse that she copied down just to fill up some empty space:

A matchbook about Peter’s vision about the unclean animals with a verse copied inside explaining what the vision was about. (This is the first minibook I ever created on my own, so I was excited about that.)

You can see a few more pictures of Zippy’s lapbook by clicking here.

Now here’s Mr. John Deere Boy’s lapbook. He didn’t join with us for all the same studies so it’s not quite as full. Some things that look the same as hers, I’m not showing here, but if you’d like to see every detail of his lapbook you can by clicking here.

His cover is a picture of Paul’s shipwreck when he was a prisoner on his way to Rome. We got the picture for free from

Here is the inside.

His armor of God:

His mailbox that contains the postcards from Paul:

His one minibook that he made different from his sister. It is on the verse in James 3:5 about controling the tongue. We modified this from the book Easy Make & Learn Human Body.

He pasted in a quote on the subject from the an old religious youth magazine: Youth’s Instructor, 7/26/08.

His Peter’s Ladder extended:

You can see all of our lapbooks here.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection Lapbook

In August Zippy did her second lapbook. It was on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This was to correspond with the children’s Bible lessons that we were studying from My Bible First on the closing scenes of Christ’s life. These lessons were part of Year C Quarter 1 of the My Bible Says set. These lessons covered Judas’ betrayal through Jesus’ ascension. We studied these particular lessons for 5 weeks and we only made one minibook per week.

We also purchased this lapbook from In the Hands of a Child. They didn’t have one specifically on this topic so I purchased the Easter lapbook from them and just did the components that corresponded with our lessons.

Zippy invented the cover herself. Please notice the real nails on it. She glued one side to the lapbook and attached the other side with velcro.

Lapbook Cover:
Jesus on the Cross Cover

Inside of lapbook:
Inside of lapbook
Women visit the tomb.
Inside of Tomb

The Gospel Commission Accordion MinibookGospel Command Accordion File

See more pictures of Zippy’s lapbook on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.