Photography at Our Home

I have had a few comments asking what kind of a camera I have, so I just decided to make a post about it. Photography has definitely become a hobby at our house. We have four photographers in our family.  Let me introduce you to them.

G'tums Running

First, let me introduce you to G’tums, the not-yet-a-photographer, but our favorite model. He’s three and does love to smile for cameras and would love to take pictures, but he’s just going to have to wait a bit on that.

Shadow Photography

We have JD Boy, the soon-to-be-photographer. He’s six. He doesn’t have a camera. He usually uses an old camera of mine that dropped and broke so it doesn’t focus anymore (an important feature.) He doesn’t mind. He takes pictures of things like fingerprints and his own shadow and things like that. He’s quite thrilled though when he can borrow my camera, but it makes me nervous since he’s the one who dropped my last camera. Mind you, he was only two then. He hasn’t contributed many pictures to my blog, although, he did take some nice flower pictures a few weeks ago at the park and I posted those in the post about visiting Discovery Park and he’s actually beginning to get a good eye for nice shots.

Zippy the Budding Photographer

My 9 year-old daughter, Zippy, is the budding photographer. She saved all her birthday and Christmas money and purchased her own point-and-shoot camera, a Canon Powershot A1000IS. She has contributed a few of the pictures on my blog. She’s working hard at learning composition and just loves taking pictures of everything, especially nature. She’s got a really good eye. She can fill up a half a gig card in one afternoon, so now she has a bigger card. She recently posted on her blog all of her favorite pictures from a trip that we took to New Mexico.

Me the Wanna-Be Photographer

Then there’s me. I’m the wanna-be photographer. My husband purchased me a point-and-shoot camera several years ago, that I can stick in my pocket. It’s a Canon PowerShot SD1000. I love my little camera. Since I was carrying a diaper bag for years, it was so easy to just drop my little camera in there and take it with me wherever. I’m trying to learn how to use a big boy’s camera (my husband’s) now though, although I usually set it on all the automatic settings, because I just don’t really know what I’m doing. I’m the photographer that takes pictures of what happens around our home.

The Photographer

Last but not least is my husband. He’s the real photographer. He’s the one that takes all the pictures on my blog that are just amazing. Last year for his birthday, he got his beloved camera, a Canon EOS 40D. This picture shows his very special lens that he uses for his bird photography. I don’t know its specs though. (Did I mention that I’m the wanna-be photographer?) He also has a few other lenses. He loves to take pictures of birds and flowers and of his family.

So now you know, we don’t have a camera, we have three and sometimes all three are going.

Strawberry Freezer Jam

We’ve been having fun and getting sticky at our house. I think getting sticky is one of my kids’ favorite activities. This time I commissioned them with the job though.

Yesterday we made five flats of strawberries into freezer jam. Yummy!

Making Strawberry Freezer Jam

I took this picture when we were just starting. My fingers were still clean enough to use the camera. I promise that that table did not stay white. It was eventually covered with bags of sugar and boxes of pectin and empty flats and plastic containers. We had to set up another table, because we didn’t have enough room for the jam! We had the table and the aprons and the fingers smeared with red before we were finished. For that matter the kids didn’t keep that eager look on their faces the whole time either. In fact, they went AWOL on me and started riding their bicycles and tricycle all around me, while I was reminding them that I wanted to get done as soon as possible so that I could have some sleep last night and their help would be very much appreciated.

Riding his Tricycle

G’tums is very proud that he can pedal his tricycle. Finally his legs are long enough. So he was the first to go AWOL, unless perhaps it was for reasons of his age!

Well, that’s a short post on something that took a long time to accomplish!

Learning About Taxonomy

The first lesson of the Exploring Creation with Botany is all about taxonomy. This seemed like a difficult concept for young children to understand, but fortunately a couple of pictures in the book spurred my kids on. My daughter set up a chart with the taxonomy of her closest. For example kingdom: shirts phylum: short-sleeve order: button-up. She had fun with this.

Taxonomy of Duplo blocks

Taxonomy of Duplo blocks

JD Boy classified G’tums’ Duplo blocks.

So what I thought would be quite a boring subject for my youngsters turned into quite a fun activity and even my three-year old enjoyed joining in. I have to say this gave me a good first impression of the Botany book. When something dry is turned into fun, my children giggle and I smile.

The next day after they learned the concept of taxonomy, they enjoyed learning about the first two terms: vascular and non-vascular. But they got a bit bogged down the following day when we hit angiosperm, gymnosperm, Anthophyta, Bryophyta, etc. Maybe I went too fast on that part. Maybe if we’d done one term per sitting/day and a nature walk to find that kind of plant, then maybe all would have been well. But we did four terms and then went for a nature walk to find them and they were getting confused which "phyta" was which. By the time we were done with this lesson, my daughter was hanging upside down on her chair saying "This is boring." Oh no, I hope I didn’t strike out.

The kids did enjoy finding the things that we had read about. Here are the things that they found. We’re only going to name the phylum, not the plant, since that is what we were studying.

Anthophyta: all flowering plants.




all cone producing plants.



I don’t know if that cone belonged to that tree. Zippy just thought they made a nice picture together.

Pteraphyta: Seedless vascular plants–ferns.



A shot of the spores on the fern (and my personal favorite shot of the day.)

Bryophyta: moss


We’ve been busy making entries in the Botany Notebooking Journal, while we’ve been studying.

Botany Notebooking Journal 1

Left is JD Boy’s dried leaf and his moss drawing. Right is Zippy’s drawings for angiosperm and gymnosperm.

Next we’re off to plant some seeds. I’ll keep you posted.


Western Bluebird

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:25-26

Our start on Botany

We decided to study botany this summer. We are going to use the Exploring Creation with Botany book by Apologia as long as we enjoy it. So far so good. We’ve done it two days. We also purchased the Botany Notebooking Journal to go with it. We’ll see how that goes. For the most part, JD Boy will have to narrate and I’ll have to write. He enjoys drawing, so any and every page that has drawing will be up his ally. Not sure if I’ll have him do the scripture copywork or not. As for Zippy, I’m having her write the short answers and narrate the long answers to me and do all the copywork.

If you know us, you might wonder if we’re better off to just learn about flowers and not follow a book. I’m not sure. We enjoyed learning about birds so much and it was a lot more spontaneous even though we were following the challenges on the Outdoor Hour Challenges. I guess this is my reserve on this book. But it does give lots of ideas for outdoor activities, so we’re going to give it a try and I’ll let you know if we love it or not.

With all that said, my husband took the kids on a flower quest walk, which started off our botany journey. My children just love going to find what they can find. He took the camera to see what wildflowers they could find. I don’t know if this got the kids excited about studying botany, but it made me excited. Although, I enjoyed the pictures not the walk, because it’s when I had the flu and I sat in the car. I did my part though–I identified the flowers. I’m not a pro at identifying flowers, but I’m going to learn how to do it. Maybe you get the idea, that I was the one that wanted to learn botany.

Here’s what we found.

Mullein Pink -- Lychnis coronaria

Mullein Pink  Lychnis coronaria

Foxglove -- Digitalis

(Purple) Foxglove Digitalis

Foxglove -- Digitalis

(White) Foxglove Digitalis

Foxglove -- Digitalis

Foxglove Digitalis   A wide shot for perspective

Shasta Daisy -- Leucanthemum x superbum

Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum

I hope we identified this flower correctly. It is a bit hard to tell the difference between this and the Oxeye Daisy, but this one stunk and that was the identifying difference. The Shasta does grow wild west of the Cascades, which includes our area.

Oxeye Daisy -- Leucanthemum vulgare

Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum   A wide shot for perspective.

Well, we enjoyed the flowers. Now to see how we enjoy the botany!

Discovery Park–Seattle, WA

A few weeks ago we got to take a very enjoyable walk at Discovery Park in Seattle, Washington. If you ever visit Seattle and enjoy walking and want to get away from blacktop and skyscrapers, visit Discovery Park. It’s really neat. We only scratched the surface. There was a lot more to see and many more walks to take. Maybe we’ll go back again sometime and do some more exploring.

One of the neatest things to watch from there is the sailboats. There are points where you can look right out on the Puget Sound and on a nice day, it is full of sailboats. You can also look across the water and see the Olympic Mountains–beautiful.


This is our only picture of the water. You can just barely see the Olympics in the background and our big bodies are blocking all the sailboats. Sorry my eyes were closed. It was very bright that day.

Zippy using the birdscope

Whie we were standing on this deck, we got to see the most beautiful little bird. He stayed in one place for quite awhile so we got out the bird scope and each enjoyed a real close look at him.

Anna's Hummingbird

Here he is–an Anna’s Hummingbird.

Anna's Hummingbird

Zippy snapped this photo with her dad’s camera. I just love how his feathers reflected in this picture, even though it looks like he’s wearing a mask.

Smelling Wild Roses

There were wild roses all around that deck. We enjoyed watching the bees fly in and out of them, but we really enjoyed smelling them.

Then we took off on a walk and these are some of the things we found.

Indian Artifact

This was an artifact saved from the demolition of a building in Tacoma, Washington that had been built in 1909. it is called the Guardian of the Spirit. There were even little bowls on the ground where somebody had left their offering to the spirit, I guess. My kids were convinced it was a real idol. They may have been right.


We had the opportunity to see some beautiful flowers along the path. I think they were cultivated at some point, but they definitely were not being maintained when we saw them. Not quite sure what the story was on that. My six-year-old son took this picture of the Iris.


JD Boy took this shot of a Columbine. I think Columbine are just such delicate and special flowers.

Daisy in a puddle

JD Boy also took this picture. He thought it was so amazing to see that daisy growing in that puddle.

Big Leaf Maple

JD Boy and Zippy were very impressed by the size of these Maple leaves. They might have worked for a hat!


And this little guy was our last discovery from Discovery Park, but I haven’t succeeded in identifying him. Insects are another thing we need to learn more about.  UPDATE: Somebody helped me identify him: Buprestis aurulenta. It looks like he’s a bad guy. He can bore holes right through tar roofs and cause all kinds of damage to wood structures. And we thought he was just so pretty.

We didn’t take the time to read about anything that we saw from this walk, we just enjoyed seeing it and smelling it and appreciating it and being thankful to the God who made these things for us.

Here is a quote that I just love about taking children into nature:

"How can children receive a more correct knowledge of God, and their minds be better impressed, than in spending a portion of their time out-of-doors, not in play, but in company with their parents? Let their young minds be associated with God in the beautiful scenery of nature; let their attention be called to the tokens of His love to man in His created works, and they will be attracted and interested." Child Guidance, p. 534.

Gray Birds–Pigeons

This is the last of the bird challenges from the Outdoor Hour Challenges. We have enjoyed doing these so much, that we are a little sad for them to end, but I guess now we can make our own bird challenges or maybe do some other challenges. We are thinking about learning about what’s happening in our garden or else learning about some botany. Those are kind of related.

This challenge was on gray birds–Pigeons and Mocking Birds. We do not have Mocking Birds where we live, so Pigeons it was.

We read all about Pigeons in the Handbook of Nature Study. The part from there that my kids enjoyed the most was the story about G.I. Joe the pigeon. G.I. Joe was a pigeon that saved a group of British troops from being bombed by Allies, by delivering a message just in time that the British had already taken occupation of the city of  Calvi Vecchia, Italy, which had been scheduled for bombardment.

Here are the pictures that we were able to take of Pigeons that live just down the road from us.

Rock Dove (Pigeon)

Rock Dove (Pigeon)

As you can tell by looking at the ledge where they are standing, quite a few of them live at this bridge. When we saw that we were going to be studying pigeons, we knew just where to go.

Sometimes I think we get a bit jaded by common birds and forget that some of them are really pretty too. I think that that pigeon in the first picture is a pretty bird, even though I have seen a bazillion pigeons in my life. I have to admit, I probably would not have stopped to take his picture, if it had not been for the Bird Challenge. So we’re glad that we were challenged to learn about common birds.

Pigeon by JD Boy (age 6)

J.D. Boy’s nature journal entry.

Pigeon by Zipp (age 9)

Zippy’s nature journal entry.

Sandia Mountain Tram & Jimez Mountains

I want to share one last post about our trip to New Mexico. We had the privilege of doing some very enjoyable sightseeing while we were there. We live not terribly far from the wettest place in the Continental U.S. (The Hawaiian island of Kauai beats it for rainfall.)  Traveling to a desert was a privilege for us. We were very excited to see the sights, sounds, plants and birds of the desert. And we were not disappointed (except for the fact that we never saw a Road Runner. Did I mention that before?)

We spent one day exploring around Jimez Hot Springs, just north of Albuquerque.

Jimez Hot Springs

Isn’t that a beautiful sculpture? Be glad that you can enjoy it in a picture though, because it stunk, like most hot springs.


It wasn’t really desert up there. Well, I don’t know what the rainfall is so perhaps it qualifies for desert, but there were trees and greenery and some just stunning sights, as you can see.

One of the most exciting things that the kids found was a beaver dam.

Beaver Dam

They went searching all around for beaver-chewed sticks and trees. It might have been an abandoned dam. It looked like it needed repair work, but maybe that’s the way they like it!

Stream Crossing JD Boy

The kids played upstream and downstream from the dam and just thoroughly enjoyed the place.

We also picked up a new bird for our life list at this spot: a MacGillivray Warbler.

The day that we came home, right before we came home, we squeezed in one last thing–a ride on the world’s longest tram, the Sandia Peak Tramway. It was really neat. You should go to Albuquerque just to do that. It is 2.7 miles long and has only two towers. The view from the top is spectacular. Actually the view all the way up and all the way down is spectacular. The only thing is that the next time we go (???) we need to allow a day and go hiking at the top, but if we had done that we would have missed our plane home and that would be bad.

View from Sandia Mtn.

One of the views from the top.

Sandia Peak Tramway

The tram car.

Family by Sandia Peak Tramway

Us at the top. If you’re wondering about my goofy expression–I was cold. Next time, I’ll take a jacket and a something to pull my hair back so that I don’t have to eat it–it was windy.