Learning while Visiting

While we were in New Mexico, we were so privileged to get some really quality time with friends and family. Spending time with others is really a great learning opportunity for my children. Our friends and family have experience, perspective and knowledge that I don’t have and they just unwittingly share with the children. My children always learn.

One of the days while we were in New Mexico, we spent at the home of some of our family. Now I have decided that getting to know extended family, definitely qualifies as social studies. There isn’t a better way to learn about the family tree than to get to know all of the branches. The last time that we were able to see most of these family members was when my oldest was 9 months old. In other words, they were strangers to my kids. So it was just great for them to get to know part of our family.

My kids were so excited because they added two new birds to their lifelists, while we were there: Black-chinned Hummingbird and Gambel’s Quail. We spent lots of time watching the Quail. Gambel’s Quail was one of the birds that I was so anxious to see on our trip. I’m sure glad that we got to, because the other bird was the elusive Road Runner, and I’m still upset with all of them for not showing their faces to us. Unfortunately, try as we did to persuade the birds, they did not pose for us, so the only photos I have to choose from are some irresistible pictures of my kiddoes.

Mischievous JD Boy

JD Boy

Mother and Daughter

Zippy and me

G'tums Waving


We also spent one day at the home of some very dear friends. As is always the case, when you take your children to somebody else’s house, they discover that the friends have way neater things than you have. This visit was no exception. The boys in that family took my kids for rides on their quads (four-wheelers). My kids are ready to move to New Mexico right now, just so they can have quads.

Trampoline Jumping

They also had the neatest trampoline ever! Even I have to admit, that that one is a winner. It’s just a lot safer looking than the typical. I’m heading to Costco.com one of these days to see if I can get one.

Zippy with Static Hair

A bit of a closer look at what the trampoline did to Zippy’s hair. Impressive!

They also had real, live chickens.

G'tums feeding chickens

They got to feed the chickens…. and hold the chickens….and chase the chickens…

JD Boy Collecting Eggs

…and gather eggs.

The kids thought the chickens were so neat and are thinking that maybe we should get chickens. I informed them that first we have to get used to taking care of the dog. On top of that, we’re vegan, so what would we do with the eggs? Well, they had the answer for that: "Sell them." Don’t expect any posts anytime soon about us getting chickens. I have absolutely no intention of adding that to my life, but it was fun to watch the kids enjoy somebody else’s chickens.

Our time with family and friends was not only very enjoyable, but it was also educational for the kids. Sometimes, I think that I make learning too big of a project. Sometimes, I just need to turn them loose and let them explore the world around and meet and learn from the people around them. I try, really I do, to be the balanced homeschooler–with the right amount of structure and the right amount of spontaneity.

Now that we’re heading into the summer and I’m thinking that I need a little bit of break from lots of things in life, we have decided to take the education as it comes to us for awhile. We’re putting away our lapbooks and our workbooks and we’re going to go spend some time in the garden and outside and we’ll see what we can learn. Life is full of learning opportunities and surprises. I’ll keep you posted what we find and learn.

Albuquerque Aquarium & Zoo

We got to go a long ways for our last field trip. My husband was working out of town, so we tagged along with him. We love to travel with him, when he has to travel for work. We get to see new things; learn about new places; and visit new museums. This time we got to visit with friends and family too, which made it extra special.

One of the days that we were in New Mexico, we spent at the Albuquerque Aquarium and Zoo. Why is it that zoos are just so much fun? No matter how many times you take kids to a zoo, they’ll always be happy to go again. We hadn’t been to a zoo for quite awhile, so that made it even more fun.

Here are a few of the favorite things that we saw.

Trumpeter Swan

We liked the Trumpeter Swan because he swam right up to us. I think he was used to getting hand-outs, but I was quite happy to take his picture. We saw Swans when we were in Malheur, but those ones weren’t used to getting hand-outs so they swam the other way. Even though seeing birds in the wild is a special treat, seeing a beautiful bird like this up close, no matter where, is just special.

We saw several birds at the zoo, but the most important one was a Road Runner. I was hoping with all of my heart that we would get to see a Road Runner in the wild. I’ve never seen one before. Everybody I talked to said, "Oh, I’m sure you will." Well, we didn’t. Fortunately, though we did get to see one at the zoo. So I can’t complain, I suppose, but I still really want to see one that’s not in a cage, so I’m trying to plan my next trip there just so I can see a Road Runner. Not really.


This guy was hugemongous. I made up that word, but it’s still true. We’d never seen anything like this before and there was two of them. He might even be older than my grandma. (Don’t worry, Grandma, he looks a lot older than you too!!)

Baby Giraffe

Now this was the most exciting thing that we saw. We stayed and watched this little giraffe for a long, long time. I say little, but actually, he’s quite a bit taller than me. They’re around 6 feet tall when they’re born. It seems like babies from almost every creature are just cute. (There are a few that I don’t think are cute, even as babies.)

The zoo was full of babies and pregnant mamas while we were there. The zookeepers must have thought that it was time to really increase the population of the zoo’s inhabitants. We saw a baby chimp, a baby camel, a baby elephant, a pregnant snow leopard and what looked like a pregnant zebra and of course, the baby giraffe.

Sitting on a Throne

But the cutest babies of all were mine!!

Special Music

It’s that time of year when so many parents have the opportunity to smile as their children play in recitals and such. Well, I got my opportunity to smile this week. My daughter played her first special music for church. The only problem was that I wasn’t present to hear her play. Sigh. I got sick and stayed home. But I’m still smiling, because I packed up the video camera and sent it with my husband, so now you can smile with me!

Please excuse the fact that when the boys saw that video camera come out that they immediately decided to climb all over their dad so they could SEE.

Black and White Birds

Another bird study from the Handbook of Nature Study Blog. This Outdoor Hour Challenge is on Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches and Towhees.

For us, these are all common feeder birds. On our property we have a Pileated Woodpecker that we hear regularly and a Northern Flicker and a Downy that come to the suet feeder. We have both Black-capped and Chestnut-backed Chickadees that come. And we have Spotted Towhees and Red-breasted Nuthatches. The Nuthatches are my favorite because they look like they’re wearing sunglasses and they’re just so cute.

This first set of pictures were all taken a few months back at our feeder or close to it. They were all taken by my daughter.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Black-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee

Spotted Towhee

Spotted Towhee. Unfortunately, you cannot see the red eyes on this little guy. He’s got bright red eyes.

We have one special Spotted Towhee that comes each year and will eat out of my daughter’s hand. She’s been feeding it for three years. My husband also tricked it into thinking he was my daughter and got it to eat out of his hand once. When she started, we didn’t have the feeders up, so it’s more challenging now.

We also found a couple of birds from this challenge while we were out scouting away from home. We found a Mountain Chickadee in Bend, OR, while there. We found this Red-naped Sapsucker at Grandma’s house.

Red-naped Sapsucker

Red-naped Sapsucker

My daughter did two entries in her nature journal this week. Here is the one on the Black-capped Chickadee. Over the last several weeks, we have also been enjoying John James Audubon’s illustrations almost every day. So this is also her attempt at reproducing his Black-capped Chickadee painting.

Black-capped Chickadee by Zippy (age 9)

Black-Capped Chickadee by Zippy (age 9)

My son didn’t want to do an illustration this time and I decided to let him off the hook; partly because I’m trying to foster a love of nature and nature journaling not make it a grueling.

This challenge also included learning about bird feet. Here is a simple webpage that we found about bird feet and it even has a fun activity that you can print off and do with your children. Natural HIstory Museum: Bird’s Feet.

I just have to say, and maybe I mentioned this before. We have the best videos on birds imaginable: The Life of Birds by David Attenborough. They are absolutely fantastic. Some of the segments can be watched on You Tube. If you love birds, you must have these videos. We’ve watched them so many times. I do have to give a disclaimer–They are evolutionist, but most of it is easy to skip. The videography is just outstanding. We’ve watched them so many times. This set was our first set by Attenborough that we ever had. They were a gift. Now we’ve been slowly collecting other videos by him, just because this set was so outstanding.

Black Birds

I’m behind in my blogging again. We studied this a week or two ago and I’m just now posting. Hope you enjoy it anyway! This is from the Outdoor Hour Challenge: Birds-Crow, Red-Winged Blackbird, Starling, and Cowbird

We went on a search for blackbirds of every type and this is what we got to see: American Crow, Common Raven, Red-Winged Blackbird, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Brewers Blackbird, Common Grackle, European Starling and Brown-headed Cowbird and a Magpie. (Not sure if a Magpie is in the same category though.) We are going to have to go do some more searching for Crows, because we found out that according to some bird books and not according to others, we may have two species of Crows in our area: the American Crow and the Northwestern Crow. I don’t much know the difference. I actually just discovered this a couple of days ago. I just assumed that crows were crows, but now I know that’s not always the case.

We weren’t able to get pictures of every single one of these, but I managed to pull a few together, although they aren’t all from the same outing.

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Red-Winged Blackbird

Red-Winged Blackbird

Red-Winged Blackbird

UPDATE: I was looking through some more of our pictures and found another Red-winged Blackbird picture that I just love and had to add. Here it is:

Red-winged Balckbird

Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie

Common Grackle

Brewer’s Blackbird

The kids also added some nature journal entries.

Red-Winged Blackbird by JDBoy (age 6)

Red-winged Blackbird by JD Boy (age 6)

Red-Winged Blackbird by Zippy (age 9)

Red-winged Blackbird by Zippy (age 9)

Yellow-headed Blackbird by Zippy (age 9)

Yellow-headed Blackbird by Zippy (age 9)

We picked up another excellent book about birds. I love it even more than the kids do. It’s Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, Bird-watching, Shore Walking by Jim Arnosky. We’ve been reading the section on Bird-watching. We learned a new bird-word from this book–Mantling. It means when a bird spreads out its wings on the ground, usually a sign of aggression.

The challenge also encouraged us to learn about bird eyes and ears. We found a most interesting post on Wikipedia about Bird Vision. Check it out, if you’re interested in the subject.

High Desert Museum

We got to visit the High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon. I couldn’t believe how long we spent at this museum. We were there for around four to five hours. Usually for me, a museum is exhausted in around two – two and a half hours, but this museum was like two museums in one: they had lots and lots on natural history and tons and tons on pioneer and native history. So on a five star scale, I definitely give this museum five stars. If you’re ever in Bend, Oregon for any reason, go visit this museum. It’s interesting to kids and it’s interesting to people a lot older than me, so it’s a great place.

Canada Lynx

They had a Bobcat and this Canada Lynx, which we watched for ages. These were G’tums favorite exhibits.

Ferruginous Hawk

There was a Raptor Center. This Ferruginous Hawk was brought out during their presentation by one of the keepers. JD Boy was very happy, because he was the only one in the audience of mostly adults who was able to identify the bird. I was glowing a bit myself. He had gone around and looked at all the different posters in the Raptor Center before the presentation and had me read the name on each one to him. He immediately recognized that this bird matched one of the posters and he was right!

G-tums riding an Elk

Here’s a smiling little guy, riding a real slow moving elk!

JD Boy and a Cougar

JD Boy posing with a real stuffed cougar.

We saw all kinds of animals that are specific to the area. We saw amphibians and reptiles (neither of which are my favorites!) black widow spiders (that might be ever worse) and fish and birds. We got to see a mother Mallard just outside of the museum with a bunch of newly hatched fluffy yellow duckings. That was free, but it was also a real attraction! We also got to see a river otter real close and hear a whole presentation about the river otter.

We got to take a nature walk with a wild-plant expert. He told us that it really isn’t a desert there, because they get 11 inches of rain per year and the definition of a desert is 10 or less. He helped us learn to identify several plants. I enjoyed that. Birds I’m getting better at identifying, but as for plants, I still have quite a ways to go.

Besides all of the nature that we learned about, we also learned about some history too. They had a great exhibit on pioneer life and Indian life in the area. We learned about people moving west, about trappers, about miners, about local businesses of the era.

Zipp trying out a straw tick

Zippy is trying out a straw tick. She didn’t think it was that great either. We’ve read about them in our history studies a few times and I tried to tell her what they were like. Now she knows!


Trapper tent.


Canoe made from reeds.

Zippy took all of these pictures with her new camera (except the one of her). She sure loves being able to record the things that are interesting to her and I enjoy seeing what she takes pictures of.

We got to see so much more. We went through a real, old-fashioned, non-electric saw mill that still operates a couple of days a week, besides getting to look at a miniture model. We got to go through a gold mine. That was the least favorite part. It scared my youngest one quite a bit. We climbed in a teepee.

We just saw and did so many things. The exhibits were nicely organized and presented. It was definitely a great museum. You’ll have to visit it one day!

Our Bodies

My kids have been wanting to do this project ever since we studied about the Human Body in January and February. We moved on to other things, so I thought maybe we would forget it; but they kept reminding me, so we did it. It doesn’t necessarily tie in with anything we are studying right now, but it was fun anyway. Even I thought it was fun. And it was a great review to see how much they (and I) remembered from our studies a few months ago.

I traced the kids’ bodies out on butcher paper and cut them out, then we printed the organs and body parts out on construction paper and cut them out and attached them with brads and with glue. All of the body parts were printed from the My Body book.

My Body Bodies

“See what the inside of me looks like!”


Zippy with Painted Lady Butterfly

We had to let our butterflies go. It was sad and exciting at the same time. If butterflies could be considered friends, then ours were. We spent lots of time watching them over the past month. We (not just the kids) were very interested with the famous transformation of caterpillars into butterflies. I’m sure it it ranks with the most amazing things in the world.

We ordered the caterpillars from insectlore.com. They sent us two cups with five caterpillars each in the mail. When our caterpillars arrived they were teeny, tiny things. Within just days they had grown multiple times their size. If my kids grew that fast, they would have to go naked, because they would go through three sizes of clothing every day.

Painted Lady Caterpillars

This is a picture of some of the caterpillars just before they cocooned and one already cocooned.

The timing on our butterflies wasn’t the best for us. As soon, as they arrived, I started calculating and realized that they would start coming out of their cocoons while we were camping and birding in Malheur. (See previous post.) Sure enough that is what happened. So we had them in these little cups riding around in the cup holders in our car until we arrived a our hotel in Bend, OR. I was sure we had cooked them to death in our car, because it was so hot in Malheur; but they survived it. I pinned these little paper disks to our "cage" and by the next morning, we had a couple of butterflies. Whew! Just in time.

Painted Lady Cocoons

The one in this picture that is out of focus was shaking because it’s trying to get out. The cocoon would start shaking and then sooner or later the butterfly would just pop out. When they actually came out, it happened very quickly. Then, you’ll never believe this, they got blood all over the place. I had no idea that this was a bloody operation. I had to clean the counter where this "cage" was sitting several times. (After all, I didn’t want the hotel to kick us out because of our pets!)

We kept them as butterflies for a few days, but I had the feeling they would probably survive better outside  than inside, plus we wanted them to be able to reproduce, so we let them go. We’ve already voted that next spring we’re going to watch tadpoles become frogs. We’ll see if that’s still what we think then, but I’m already excited…although if butterflies were to get loose in my house, no problem…but frogs!!

Painted Lady Butterfly

Fly away butterfly!

Birding at Malheur

When I was a child, my parents took me to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. I have been wanting to take my husband, an avid birder, there for years. We finally got our chance and my husband’s sister’s family and my brother joined us on the trip too. We had lots of fun and saw scores of birds. On the trip my husband and I identified 82 birds. (My list is at the bottom of the post.) Rather than tell you anymore about our trip. I’m just going to share tons of pictures with captions in chronological order of how they were taken.

Horned Lark

Horned Lark — taken in John Day, Oregon, shortly before we arrived at Malheur.

Uncle J. with bird scope

My brother with our new bird scope.

American Avocet

American Avocet

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

White Faced Ibis

White-faced Ibis

Yellow-throated Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Bullock's Oriole

Bullock’s Oriole

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler–in flight and perched

Lazuli Bunting Pair

Lazuli Bunting Pair

Pancakes in Malheur

Happy campers enjoying a pancake breakfast.

Cliff Swallow

Cliff Swallow

Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler

Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck–Can you see his blue bill?

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Canada Goose & Goslings

Canada Goose with goslings.

House Wren

House Wren serenading us during our lunch.

American Robin & Chicks

American Robin feeding her chicks. It was really special to watch the parents feeding these chicks. They were perched right in between a couple of our tents. This was one bird that the kids were actually willing to stay quiet to watch.


Looking at a Northern Pintail–sorry no picture of the Pintail, but boy, was I happy to see it!

The Photographer

My favorite photographer in the world! (My husband)

Common Raven and chicks

Common Raven and chicks–This Raven is landing in her nest. You can see the mouths of the babies wide open waiting for their snack.


Just a nice view (to prove that my point-and-shoot can take good pictures too! Actually, i took all the people pictures with my point and shoot too.)

Zippy the Birder

Zippy, the birder.

We don’t completely have Zippy’s life list updated with her Malheur list. We have to finish weeding out the doubles, but she should have around a hundred when we are finished. Not too bad for a nine year old who’s been working on her life list for a year.

Red-winged Blackbird

A displaying Red-winged Blackbird

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Female California Quail

Female California Quail

Western Tanager

Western Tanager–Is he pretty or what?

Ring-necked Pheasant

Ring-necked Pheasant–This seemed to be the kids’ favorite bird to see and he really is a beauty.

Long-billed Curlew

Long-billed Curlew

Black-necked Stilt

Black-necked Stilt

Great Egret

Great Egret

We read the book The Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John James Audubon while we were on our expedition. (A few times actually. It was such a good one.) That is the artist that we’ve decided to learn about right now. I thought it would be fun to learn about him while we were getting to do this birding trip. We’re really enjoying learning about nature and art together.

We also tried our hand at our own bird illustrations. The two big kids and I did some nature journal entries in our individual journals.

Ring-necked Pheasant by Zippy (age 9)

Ring-necked Pheasant by Zippy (age 9)

Sandhill Crane by JD Boy (age 6)

Sandhill Crane by JD Boy (age 6)

American Avocet by me

American Avocet by me

Here is our list of identified birds from the trip:


Horned Lark



Yellow-breasted Chat


Bald Eagle



Common Raven


Wilson’s Snipe



Cliff Swallow


Wilson’s Phalarope








European Starling


Common Grackle



Song Sparrow


Western Kingbird





American Robin



Barn Swallow


Mourning Dove



Brewers Blackbird


Great Egret



Northern Harrier


Great Blue Heron





Canadian Geese



Trumpeter Swan


Red-winged Blackbird



Spotted Sandpiper


Western Meadowlark



Black-crowned Night Heron





Black Tern


American Kestral



Ruddy Duck


American Avocet



Forster Tern


Black-necked Stilt



Tree Swallow


Yellow-headed Blackbird





Long-billed Curlew



Lesser Scaup


Franklin’s Gull



Northern Pintail


Sandhill Crane





Northern Shoveler





American Coot





Brown headed Cowbird



Western Grebe


Turkey Vulture



Black-headed Grosbeak


White Pelican



Western Wood Pewee


Ring-necked Pheasant





California Quail



Western Tanager


Double-crested Cormorant



Olive-sided Flycatcher


White Faced Ibis



Evening Grosbeak


Cinnamon Teal



House Sparrow


Common Yellowthroat



Red-tailed Hawk


Bullock’s Oriole



Pine Siskin


Red-shafted Flicker



Warbling Vireo


Yellow Warbler



Eastern Kingfisher


Lazuli Bunting





Virginia Rail



California Gull


House Wren



Mountain Bluebird


Song Sparrow



Scrub Jay


Cedar Waxwing



Mountain Chickadee