Dipped Candles

One of the fun ways of learning something is doing it! I guess that’s obvious. We’ve been learning about Colonial life and the establishment of the Thirteen Colonies. And we just finished a fun project the way that the Colonists did it. We made dipped candles with beeswax. Fun! Fun!

Finished Beeswax dipped candles

I purchased a kit of fun activities to do a long with our studies of early American life last fall, but we only recently got into the box and did one of the projects. This box was from Hands and Hearts. Unfortunately, they are not currently selling these kits, but hopefully sometime soon they’ll be able to sell them again. However, this project isn’t so hard to do yourself, if you can get the supplies needed. All that was needed was beeswax and a long candle wick and everything else is readily available in your home.

You just take an empty can and fill it about half full with warm water and then finish filling with beeswax. Then place the can in water in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer (not a hard boil).

Melting Beeswax

Then you dip the wicks in the melted wax and then in a can of ice water and just keep going back and forth until you have candles.

Dipping Candles in ice water

Dipping Candles in Wax

This was a very fun project, but we all agreed that turning on a switch and even changing light bulbs periodically was a bit easier than this!

Robins & Housefinches Nature Study

We’re really excited that the Outdoor Hour Challenges right now are about birds. Birding and learning about birds is one of our favorite things around here. In fact, in a few weeks, we’re heading to a bird sanctuary for a few days to see what we can see. Can’t wait!

This weekend we spent some time at Grandpa and Grandma’s house. We ended up staying longer than anticipated and without any books. So we thought, the weather is nice and we need to do something educational, and I’d already looked through the bird challenges on the Outdoor Hour Challenges blog, so I looked through them a little better and we headed out to see if we could find the birds in the challenges. And my husband took out his special toy–his new camera. We were very thrilled to find the two birds from the first challenge that live in our area. (No Cardinals. Boo hoo. I used to live in the Midwest and I love Cardinals. I wish my kids could enjoy them like I used to.) We also found birds in the second and third challenges too, but we’re going to learn a bit more about them before we post.

So here are the birds from the first challenge:

American Robin

American Robin trying to keep warm in the early morning.

American Robin

American Robin wondering where he’ll find some more worms. We learned while we were reading about Robins that baby Robins need fourteen feet of worms every day. Talk about a lot of time spent on food preparation!

House Finch

House Finch just sitting pretty.

Robin Cardinal House Finch Notebook Pages

Notebook pages that we did on the three birds that we learned about: American Robin, House Finch and Cardinal. These came from Notebooking Pages and Cornell’s coloring book.

Spring is here?

I’m so ready for spring and summer. I must have cabin fever. Just two days ago we woke up to snow on the ground. Even the kids were disappointed. I woke the kids up and said, "I have a surprise for you!" JD Boy went to the window and groaned, "Oh no. Not again. I’m tired of that stuff." I asked G’tums if he wanted to go sledding and he looked up at me with a puzzled look and said, "I don’t know." We don’t get much snow where we live. So my kids are usually so excited for snow. They’ll sled on a quarter-inch of the white stuff, but not now. They’d had their fill. Me too. I’m ready for green and for flowers and all the things that make Summer so beautiful where I live.

But today was a totally different story. We were all itching to go outside today and do some exploring to see what we could find. We worked on math and some history for awhile, but outside was calling. I wanted to see if I could find the signs of Spring, like maybe some wild flowers. And when I got out there, lo and behold Spring was there to greet us. I was thrilled with the things we found.


The blackberries are starting to bud.


Moss is turning that living green color. I love it.


Spring is here and I was so excited, but my kids were on their own exploration. We started reading a book this week called: African Savanah (One Small Square). We are really enjooying this book. I highly recommend it for the K-3 age group. Even preschoolers like it–at least mine does. It’s about the habitat of the Serengeti.

Anyway, all of that to say that my kids wanted to pretend we were going exploring in Africa even though I was out searching for signs of Spring and wildflowers. They got outside before me. And when I got out there, they had a Rubbermaid container full of grass and mud and they were stomping it with a stick. When they saw my quizzical look, which meant "Why do you always want to do the messiest projects you can think of?" They said, "We are making fufu!"

I know you’re wondering, "What on earth is fufu?" Well, you see, my husband has gone on two mission trips to the interior of the Democratic Republic of Congo and he always tells about this stuff that the Africans eat called fufu. It’s made out of rehydrating dried cassava with warm water and, according to my husband, it is about the consistency of playdough. This fufu is the main staple where he visited. In fact, I have a picture.

Eating Fufu in Democratic Republic of Congo

The fufu is the stuff in the center bowl. They dip it into the sauces in the other bowls.

So making fufu is the reason that my kids had concocted such a mess. I guess that sounds a little more creative than what my brother and I always told our mom–we said we were making mud pies. My kids, at least, came up with a name on their own, instead of copying one out of a bedtime story book. And once they finished making their "fufu", they were ready for their excursion to the African Savannah!

So here they are, busy exploring the Savannah:

Pretend Savannah

Looking at grass

She’s trying to learn if our grass is the same as what grows in the Savannah.

Guess what! They even found a water hole. Oh, no! Another mess.

But I was still busy, whether I was in Africa or at home in America, trying to prove to myself that it was Spring. I thought that surely I would find some wild flowers blooming. I have seen pictures of them on the Outdoor Hour Nature Blog and I wanted to find some of my own. But hence, I think I live farther north than they do. I did find that some of the shrubs that we have planted are flowering and that the bees have discovered them. I sure hope this means that the wild flowers will show up soon.

honey bee

My search was nearly in vain. Would you believe it though, I finally found three, yes 3, wild flowers. And they were all the same kind. Here is one of them. I’ll let you identify it.


Well, I’d sure like to find some wild flowers that were a little more exotic than that. I usually call these weeds and yank them out, but since that was all I could find, I left it. Maybe I’d better go to Africa and see if they have some wild flowers for me to see.

Penguin Lapbook

We were so busy during the Children’s Bible Class that I posted about before, that we had a hard time keeping up with everything. So one morning I said to the kids, let’s do something on a preschool level that we would all enjoy. John Deere Boy came up with this idea and it was a hit–learn about Penguins. We had already seen the Easy Make & Learn: Penguin book, so I knew that there was some great printouts that we could use for a lapbook and other fun projects. So we picked up a couple of really great DVD’s and wala we had a short unit study that was stress free for mama!! Sometimes that really comes in helpful. So if you’re ever looking for a fun, short, easy unit that all ages will enjoy, this was a great one.

Penguin Lapbook

A very happy boy showing off his first lapbook! Each of the kids colored one of the penguins on the front and they plastered the lapbook with stickers. I thought that was the part my three-year-old would get into. Well, of course, he did, but so did the other two. This lapbook was actually a team effort by the three of them. He needed help so we helped him out.

Penguin Lapbook

Here are all of my kiddoes with their penguin masks and lapbook and, of course, the stuffed penguin. Now if you could just see them waddle too!

The really interesting videos that we all enjoyed about Penguins were: March of the Penguins, Nature: Waddlers & Paddlers and Life in the Freezer. All of these were very good and interesting. They appealed to all the ages in our home 3 – 32. None of them are from a Creationist perspective though, so you have to weed out some stuff. We’ve got our kids well trained at this point on that subject. Whenever they hear the words “millions” or “billions” they shout “Wrong!”

We didn’t read any books on the subject. Did I say I was busy? We watched videos and they worked on their lapbook while I made lunch. We were squeezing school in here and there!

Children's Bible Class

I said I had a lot to share, so I’d better get started. I wanted to share about our Children’s Bible class that we just finished. We had so much fun and learned a lot too….especially me, because I was the teacher! We held our meetings for 20 nights over a five week period and it was open to the public. Many of our studies were based on Bible prophecy. We, of course, were covering these not on a college level but at a primary level. The study was for children. So we studied prophecies such as the image in Daniel 2; comparing the days of Noah with our day as in Matthew 24; when Jesus returns; also some things in the past that have really changed history such as how sin entered the universe and then Adam and Eve’s first sin, and, of course, Jesus’ death (that was included in several studies) as well several more.

Our program went something like this:

We started out with a short song service. All of our songs were scripture songs. I love many different children’s songs, but I thought this was a wonderful way to help the children memorize some precious gems from their Bibles. Then we followed with our opening prayer.

After the prayer, we had a mystery box. This was one of the favorite activities. Each night we had a different object in the box that was related to our topic for the evening and then the kids were given hints as to what it was and they all tried to guess. Because we had such an age spread, and we discovered that the oldest ones were the best guessers, we had the older kids (7 years and up) whisper their answer to us and. If they were right, they were to come up with the next clue to give, that gave more people an opportunity to guess and allowed for the younger children to get it right, which really made them smile.

Next came the special feature. This also was a real highlight. Each night one of my friends presented a science nugget that could be tied in with the lesson. For instance, when we studied Revelation 1:7, she made homemade binoculars. When we studied the Three Worthies and when we studied about Mt. Carmel, she did demonstrations with fire. When we studied about Satan, she did a feature on snakes. All of them were really great. This was my favorite part, but maybe that’s because I didn’t teach that part!

Science Experiment at Children's BIble Class

Next we had our Bible lesson. I taught each lesson with felts (the Through the Bible with Felts set) I learned so much studying for teaching these lessons. If none of the children were blessed, which I hope they were, at least I was. I enjoyed it so much. I spent so much time studying and I love studying. In each lesson, I tried to bring it down to a practical level. For instance, when we did the story of Jonah, we talked about how to confess our sins as well as learning about how we will face a judgment.

Bible Lesson at Children's Bible Class

Every night we read from the Bible and we provided a Bible for each child so that they could follow along. Even the non-readers loved having us help them look up the verses in the Bible and show them where we would be reading from. They were so proud of their Bibles. The older ones had opportunity to see for themselves what the Bible had to say on the different subjects each night. Each night we tried to summarize the stories that we were learning from as a choice for the children to make. Basically the choices were to give our hearts to Jesus and be saved or not and be lost.

After the lesson was finished, we learned a new memory verse each night and then we made a craft. Our crafts (as well as many of the ideas for how we did the meetings) came from Feeding His Lambs Ministry. The kids and the parents loved these crafts. Each night a craft page was added to their growing book and the page emphasized what we had studied that evening.

Making Crafts at Children's Bible Class

I enjoyed this project so much, even though I was a bit tired a few of the evenings. We made some good friends with the kids who came (and their parents) and watching children learn about the Bible and choose Jesus for themself was so very rewarding. I hope that I will have an opportunity to this again.

Making friends at Children's Bible Class

Rufus Hummingbird

We have a little friend who has been visiting us very regularly the last few days. Actually we have two of them. They are Rufus hummingbirds. I think hummingbirds are like flying jewels. They are just so beautiful.

We have the hummingbird feeders right out our french door in the dining room, so while we eat, we are all watching to see who gets to say "I see him!" first.

Here are a couple of pictures my husband snapped of him.

  Rufus Hummingbird 04.06.09

Rufus Hummingbird 04.06.09

I guess that was a short post, but I still had to share!

Your prayers are needed

I know I haven’t posted in a bit, but I just wanted you to know why. My brother was admitted into ICU last Saturday for internal bleeding, and we made a flying trip (in the car) over to visit him this week as soon as he got out of ICU and was allowed to have child visitors. He looked good and I believe he is well on the road to recovery, but considering that he’s had around 15 units of blood products–blood, platelets and more–he’s got a ways to go. We’re just so thankful that he’s improving.

Anyway, I have lots that I want to post about, and I’ll get going on it soon, but in the mean time your prayers for my brother are very much coveted.

God bless!

Beethoven–Composer Study

Who doesn’t love Beethoven? We all love Beethoven and his music. After our holidays were over, I told my children that I would like for us to start learning about one composer and they could choose. Of course, they couldn’t quite agree, so we decided that they could take turns choosing. JD Boy chose our first composer and he chose none other than Beethoven. So for several weeks we have listened to Beethoven lots and lots–while we do our chores, while we drive and while we make crafts. We do listen to other music too! We are still in love with the hymn CD’s that accompanied the books we read before and during the holidays–Hymns for a Kid’s Heart (See my post on those.) and we just have other albums we enjoy listening too. But we have immersed ourselves in Beethoven’s music and it’s oh, so inspiring.

I’m sure you can guess which piece is the kids’ favorite: Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Probably along with most other kids their ages. The only thing is my kids’ now call it “Beethoven’s Wig” because we listened to a version of it with silly lyrics from a CD called “Beethoven’s Wig” It has put lyrics to several classical pieces, which perhaps wrecks the music, I don’t know. One of the pieces is called “Beep, Beep, Beep” and is to the tune of Moonlight Sonata. My brother-in-law says that he’ll never be able to play that song on the piano again without having “Beep, beep, beep” going in his mind. I have to feel sorry for him. I’ll have to admit that I really laughed when I heard it too.

We also enjoyed some good stories about Beethoven. We read the book: Ludwig Beethoven and the Chiming Tower Bells by Opal Wheeler. This book is a very good book. I highly recommend it. We liked it so much that I purchased the whole series, so we have some really great books to read about composers for awhile to come. We also purchased the accompanying CD about Beethoven which has several Beethoven piano pieces. We didn’t try the accompanying teacher’s guide though.

Our other favorite source was The Story of Beethoven In Words and Music CD. We’ve had these CD’s for awhile, because my husband listened to them when he was a homeschooler and loved them so bought them perhaps even before we had children for his own listening enjoyment. They really are excellent. They’re very inexpensive too. On Amazon this CD is only $3.00.

And the third story that especially my son enjoyed a lot was Beethoven Lives Upstairs. We got it on CD. So he listened to it over and over. It is the story of Beethoven in a boy’s words. I haven’t made my verdict on this one. It is really interesting and engaging, but I personally am very careful to not mix fiction into history studies so that my kids don’t mix up the facts for the fiction and I can’t quite tell if this is historically accurate or not. Everything I’ve checked on has checked out, but I’m not done checking.

Most importantly we enjoyed lots of music by Beethoven. My husband is a collector of classical music, especially violin. Perhaps that’s because he’s a violinist or perhaps it’s because he was homeschooled, whichever the reason, we had access to hours of Beethoven. And we really appreciated Beethoven’s music.

We decided to try our hand at notebooking rather than lapbooking on this project. Here are pictures of our pages that have been added to our notebooks. This is the first thing that we have “notebooked” so we’re new to this concept, but figure that since we successfully figured out how to lapbook, that we can figure this out too.

Zippy's Beethoven pages
Zippy’s Notebook Pages on Beethoven

JDBoy's Beethoven Pages
JD Boy’s Notebook Pages on Beethoven


I have been trying to follow the Moore Formula in our homeschooling adventure. (See my post about the Moore Formula.) One of the things that the Moore Formula includes is service for others. I always feel like this area needs work in our family, but I’m happy to report that my children, especially my daughter, have been busy with service the last couple of weeks and will be busy for a couple more. I am leading out in a five-week-long four-nights-a-week Bible class for children. My daughter has been preparing the crafts. A friend has been doing most of the cutting, but my daughter has been individually packaging everybody’s crafts. That might not sound huge, but we prepare twenty crafts and have twenty nights, so she’ll have done four hundred crafts by the time we’re finished.

Zippy learning to use a heat sealer

Here she is sealing off one of the crafts with the heat sealer.

Zippy showing off one of the four hundred crafts that she has to package

She proudly shows off one of the two hundred packages that she’s already finished!