Okay, I love homeschool conventions. For some reason, it’s where I get my homeschool recharge each year. Just as I’m finishing up a school year and bemoaning the things that I wanted to do that we didn’t do, I get all excited about the next year and what we will do then. If you need a little homeschool encouragement, go to your local/state homeschool convention it. It’s great!
I remember the first homeschool convention I went to. I was so scared. There were so many people. I wondered: What should I look at? What shouldn’t I look at? Who should I listen to? Should I take all my kids? (I did.) What should I buy? Which programs were as amazing as touted? I was so overwhelmed.
But I loved it and was hooked, even though that first time: I had gotten out of wearing a boot on my broken foot just the day before. (There’s a lot of walking to do for an injured foot. My foot was killing me.) I took all three of my kids and the youngest one was in a front pack. (If I’d have known how much I wanted to purchase, I would have at least brought a stroller for my purchases, even if I didn’t intend to put the baby in it.) And my little kids and I all skipped lunch because the food at our convention is just plain nasty. (I’m a vegetarian for starters, and secondly I don’t like food that just drips with grease.)
I have continued to go almost every year since. I haven’t taken my kids every time. I have sometimes though. Now I pack a lunch and bring a water bottle. I have continued to bring a backpack to haul my purchases in, and wondered why I didn’t bring a rolling suitcase, because my back is breaking by the end. (I have this addiction to the neat art supplies that Miller Pads and Paper sells, and they’re heavy.)

So it’s that time of year. My state homeschool convention is just a few weeks away. This time I did a little planning and I’m taking my new roller suitcase that I purchased at one of those super duper sales from Sierra Trading Post. (See picture.)
I’ve made a list of everything to take, so I don’t forget anything:
- Comfy shoes
- Sweater/Light Jacket
- Water bottle
- Packed lunch (Go light, because you have to carry it and you don’t want any leftovers.)
- Babysitter for the kids, if possible (I took my 6 year old last year. He was a great partner and talked me into purchasing all kinds of things, that went into my backpack!)
- Backpack (It’s a great way to turn the day into a workout and also a great way to force yourself to stay within your budget!) or a roller suitcase
- Small pad of paper and a pen
- Printed address labels with name, address, and email address (This is so that you don’t have to write your address down fifty times for all of the mailing lists and drawings that you want to sign up for. Maybe even grab a few 3×5 cards to stick them to in case you make/meet a friend that you want to keep in contact with.)
- Camera (This is especially important if you take a backpack. This way you can take pictures of everything you want to purchase and the company’s website address and then go back later and order, when you’re feeling a little more sensible or not feeling heavy laden from an overstuffed backpack. I just use my phone for my camera.)
Well, happy conventioning everybody! Can’t wait to spend a day at mine, which, by the way, is the Washington Homeschool Organization, known affectionately as WHO. If you are going to that one, let’s find each other and say “hi”.